Sunday 8 July 2012


"This seasonal mushroom dish, made here using wild setas, can actually be adapted to make a great tapa all year round." If you want to try adding even more flavour to this dish, you can fry some bacon or ham (serrano or parma) in the oil with the garlic (remember that the garlic will need less time than either of these ingredients.) If you can’t find wild mushrooms that you thing will be suitable, standard or button mushrooms will do just fine.


8 garlic cloves
6 tablespoons olive oil
1 kg wild mushroom (setas)
1 ml white wine
6 sticks parsley
2 to taste salt (a generous pinch!)
2 to taste pepper (optional)


   *Start by washing the mushrooms thoroughly, then place them in a sieve and let them dry for a while - if you need to cook them immediately, dry them a bit with a tea-towel. With the type of mushrooms I used, you can simply tear them into strips but if you use button mushrooms you need to slice them with a knife.
   *Put all the oil in a frying pan and wait till it starts to smoke. Add the garlic, which has been previously peeled and sliced roughly, and stir with a wooden spoon. When the garlic starts to brown add the mushrooms and stir them every now and again for 5 minutes. At this point add the wine and turn the heat down to medium. After another 5 to 10 minutes add the parsley and serve immediately.


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