Sunday 8 July 2012


I first tasted Shrikhand when I moved to Pune, a big city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra, with my family. I have loved it ever since. Ideally Shrikhand should be made with whole or full cream milk yogurt but you can also make it with low-fat or diet yogurt. The nuts are optional but add that extra special touch to this simple but delicious dessert.

Prep Time: 2 hours

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 2 hours, 5 minutes


1 kg whole milk or full cream unsweetened yogurt(DAHI)
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp cardamom powder
2 tsps kewra essence (available at Indian groceries)
1 cup thinly sliced green pistachios
A pinch of saffron strands
2 tsps warm milk


   *Hang the yogurt in a clean muslin or cheesecloth for 2-3 hours to completely drain all the whey from it.
   *When the yogurt is drained and ready to use, put the warm milk in a small glass bowl and add the saffron
strands to it. Allow to stand for a minute.
   *Now mix all the ingredients (including the milk with saffron strands in it) together in a large bowl. Mix to blend sugar fully.
   *Chill for an hour and serve dollops in a bowl, like ice cream.


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