Friday 13 July 2012



1 cup wheat flour
1 cup onions, cut into 1/2-inch thin strips
3 green chillies, finely chopped (adjust to taste)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
3-4 tbsp vegetable
Salt to taste


  1. Heat 2 tsp oil in a medium pan. Add the cumin seeds and fry until golden. Add the green chillies and onion along with salt, and saute on medium heat until translucent. Add the cilantro and remove in a bowl and let cool.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, and the cooked onions, and mix into a firm, smooth dough using water as needed. Brush with a little oil and set aside for 5 minutes.
  3. Heat the griddle (tava). While the griddle is heating up, divide the dough into equal portions and roll each portion between your palms to form a smooth ball. Cover and set aside.
  4. Place one of the dough balls on a lightly floured surface, and with a rolling pin, roll it to a 5-inch circle.
  5. Make sure the tava or griddle is hot (sprinkle a few drops of water, if the water evaporates quickly, the tava is ready.) Add 1/4 tsp oil to the tava to coat it evenly and wipe off with a paper towel or kitchen towel. 
  6. Place the onion paratha on the tava. After 10 seconds, when it starts to puff up a bit, turn it over with a spatula. Brush oil evenly over the paratha. Turn it over again, and brush oil on top. Press on the edges of the paratha with the spatula to make it puff up, and cook on both sides for 5-10 seconds, until you see brown spots on both sides. Remove on a plate. 
  7. Repeat with the remaining dough, adjusting the heat as necessary. Stack the parathas.
  8. Serve the onion paratha immediately with a gravy curry and raita of your choice. Or with a pickle and plain yogurt. Parathas taste best hot off the griddle. If you need to store them, stack one on top of the other, and wrap in aluminum foil to keep them warm for a couple of hours.


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